Comments for all comments + private messages for all respondents
ReplyComments & SendMessages

The most requested plugin! Did you write a post and get dozens of comments? The plugin will respond to each comment and tag the respondent, with whatever text you want, and in addition will send a private message to each of the respondents!

Did you write a post and get hundreds of comments? how fun!!! But how will you react to everyone ???

If you respond quickly, you will block quickly. If you react slowly, you will almost despair …

The plugin will respond to all comments and tag the respondent, with whatever text you want, and will also send a private message to each of the respondents! The plugin will save you many hours of work and prevent you from being blocked by working at a slow and smart pace.

With the plugin you can set how much time between responses and how many responses you want to make in total.

Light presentation on the plugin: To view the presentation


The supplement is the fruit of many years of research and development. It is created with an in-depth understanding of Facebook mechanisms and the precise and efficient methods of performing the work, and it undergoes developments, which are constantly included and updated, according to the needs and request of users.


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