Who We Are

We are a small team that develops smart and useful tools for facebook.
Please, contact us for any reason: fb.tools.zevik@gmail.com.

Our Extensions

CommentsCollector- collects all the comments of the post

Open in WebStore


CommentsCollector is a smart browser plugin that collects for you all the post’s responses .directly to your GoogleSheets



How To Sign In

Privacy Policy

This product consists of a Chrome browser extension and Google OAuth application.

The extension keeps associations between Google SpreadSheets and Facebook groups on Google servers behind storage.sync API. This information is needed for the extension to know which spreadsheet is connected to which Facebook group.

The extension collects users’ comments for the purpose of providing important updates to our privacy policy, tips and news about the extension.

We don’t collect any users data for objectives other than listed above. On our servers we only privatly store user emails and associations mentioned above.

The application asks access for creating and editing of Google Spreadsheet because it saves collected data in user’s sheets and reads from it to check and prevent duplicate records of data collected in the sheet.

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